I think I may be getting too old for this sort of thing.
My young Westie girlfriends, Florrie and Lucy, have come to stay for a few days.
I know they're cute (especially little Lucy), but, well, between you and me, I do find their company ever so slightly exhausting.
Did you know I'm nearly fourteen? I don't think I do too badly for my age. I really can still walk quite a long way. At my own pace. In my own time. Minding my tender paws. And not straining my dicky heart.
Why all this rushing around anyway? If you walk slowly round the park, you can see more, sniff more, and take time to appreciate the changing seasons. And Florrie, there's really no need to race up to all the other dogs and bark at them, now is there?
At least at home everybody eventually calms down.

And Florrie (inexplicably) seems to like the new kitchen cushion.....
Hi Hamish, we loved your post - you are right to take your time - you are now wise and wonderful!
Enjoy your visit with your young friends - at your own pace.
Don't go changing..........we love you just the way your are!
love and kisses
Martha & Bailey xxxx
I am agreeing with Martha and Bailey, just change directions and let the little kids keep up with you!
You are a wonderful 14 year old guy, and if you just keep to what you know, you will have quite a few more years, I think. And I love you just the way you are, too.
Wooos Hamish... we love you the way you are, at least you know how to stop and smell the roses, unlike other dogs we know...
Cute girlfriends! although I do not go in for that shaving of my beawootiful fur....
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hamish - we believe in taking time to 'smell the roses'. You do great for a 14 year old man.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Nice thoughts Hamish...you do have a sense of humor
Benny & Lily
Here's another poem for you. To be honest, I'm more of a tv watching dog. The window is also good. But my friend Jack the Jack Russell went to his friend Sharon's poetry reading last weekend and told me a bit about it as we were sniffing each other yesterday. He was quite keen on her work, jumping out of his chair to get in on the action. Maybe there are treats involved? I don't think William Butler Yeats wrote any cat poems, so that's alright, and I like the part about pacing on mountains. That's my type of thing. Edie, who lives with me, thinks the line about how many loved your moments of glad grace is pretty good for Westies.
When you are old and grey and full of sleep,
And nodding by the fire, take down this book,
And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
How many loved your moments of glad grace,
And loved your beauty with love false or true,
But one man loved the pilgrim soul in you,
And loved the sorrows of your changing face;
And bending down beside the glowing bars,
Murmur, a little sadly, how Love fled
And paced upon the mountains overhead
And hid his face amid a crowd of stars.
I'm 14 myself. So, I can relate. I like walking and smelling the good sniffs.
Hamish NO!
You are a Spring Chicken!...at least in our eyes! Don't go thinking old now and getting all nostalgic on us! There's places to go, news to sniff and sunshine to roll in (at least here there is sunshine!). So poochy...be grumpy if you like, because you have earned it!!!, but DON'T talk OLD - it makes Mom's hear sore!
BUT...we loved the line about the "peach"!...It conjured up images of an old man on a culinary mission, but with his dentures missing (hehe)
Lots of licks and STAY YOUNG NOW!
My Deawest Hamish
You awe making me sad saying that you awe old..fouwteen is not old..it's cewtainly wise and wondewful..you know how to enjoy evewy moment and take in the details that the young kids wushing about miss. Flowwie and Lucy awe lovely giwls, how lucky fow them to be able to be neaw you and leawn fwom .I do love that poem.. and will pictoowe you walking on the beach while eating a peach
smoochie kisses
You are right and maybe you can teach the young pups something about enjoying things instead of rushing AND......send that darn pillow home with them!! lol
Hamish, you are growing old with dignity. Enjoy your walks at the speed you want to go, and enjoy the scenery as much as you want! You have earned it.
I'm with you Hammish dear, though I'm only 2 1/2 years old I like to stop to smell the roses. You still look like a young pup to me! (Love the poem.)
AireSmooches, Baby Rocket Dog
Mommy says I like to "skit around like a waterbug" ---Way too much pent up energy since I can't run free on the property anymore. From the looks of things you and the girls made yourselves very comfortable. Way to go guy!
WelshHugs, Hootie
Nothing like some sweet young things to make the heart go all aerobic, huh? Is that little missy curled up on YOUR soft pillow? (I had HUSSY, but the editor made me take it out). You're not too old...yah wanna know old, come hang out with the Puffalump! He still gets about and manages to hold his own when bitey face goes bad. Stay warm n toasty.
peeseee...SHE said to let you know they had FRIED MARS bars at Downtown Disney at an Irish bar of all things. They were extra nummie so she says, not that I got any it.
Hamish. You are a role model for those young doggies. Show them how to age gracefully and with style. You are a perfect example of what a 14 year old dog should look and act like. Not old. Wise. Wonderful. Experienced. With every intent of carrying on just as you are. Perhaps on the beach with a peach, but just as you are.
We love you
Jake and Fergi xxoo
You are truly a charming, sweet little man! You remind me a little old man that used to share my life. Remind Gail how precious senior Westies are - although I think she already knows that.
Westie Wishes from Sue
What a beautiful post! Thanks so much for the link. We have been looking at Hamish's blog, and we love it. This post is very special...and I love Hamish's wisdom: "I really can still walk quite a long way. At my own pace. In my own time. Minding my tender paws. And not straining my dicky heart." Thank you for sharing!
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