Sunday 4 January 2009

A resolution

Prompted by my owner Gail, I've been thinking carefully about a New Year Resolution.

It is just possible that over the course of 2008 there were some trees in Duthie Park that I failed to sniff, and some lampposts in the neighbourhood of Ferryhill against which I never lifted a rear leg. 

Yes this really was most negligent of me, and my resolution for 2009 is to make sure that it doesn't happen again. By the end of the year, I vow that every single vertical post-shaped object within a 1 mile radius of this house will have received my close attentions. My territory will be carefully and diligently kept marked at all times.

Oh. Gail is giving me a 'look'. Apparently this isn't the sort of thing she had in mind at all. 

Well that's just too bad.

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